Sunday, February 20, 2011


Well we are off to Tassie. this is the Spirit ready to load.

Matt, Amy, Maya & Jack seeing us off from Port Melbourne.'
Well we have made it to Tassie, arriving at 6.30pm on Sunday the 6th of Feb. after a pretty rough crossing. Lots of banging from below.

After arriving we drove about 8 ks to Latrobe where we stayed at the Mersey River Holiday Park which is quite nice , no permanents, lots of green grass and nice management. Whilst at Latrobe we did day trips to Stanley, Wynyard, Penguin and Ulverstone one day just to see where we might go next and also Cradle Mountain via Sheffield, Barrington (obviously named after Mike) and Railton. We will see more of this area just before we leave Tasmania.

Next we moved to Wynyard, staying at the Beach Retreat Tourist Park which put our van backing onto the beachfront with a nice boardwalk running into the town. We spent several very nice days there visited Stanley, where we explored the Nut, which was covered in mutton bird burrows and is inhabited by numerous tiger snakes of which one large example crossed the walking path in front of Bonnie, much to her distress. The next day we went to Burnie and visited the cheese factory (yum) and the distillery where we had a lovely lunch. The scenery in Tasmania is amazing and almost directly contrasting to what we had experienced in the north of WA.
After leaving Wynyard we camped out on the Macintosh Dam on the way down to Strahan. Magnificent views but some large March flies and Charli and I came across another tiger snake whilst taking a walk but it didn’t take much notice of us.

When we arrived at Strahan we found that we could camp at the golf club which was great so Bon and I played nine holes which was a bit of fun. We went on a coach to Queenstown and returned to Strahan on the steam train which was fantastic. The endeavour of the pioneers who built this railway in very mountainous, wet terrain was amazing, especially the third geared rail to pull up the steepest climbs. The hospitality in the premium class carriage was pretty good too.

Yesterday we went on the Franklin River Cruise into the World Heritage area and although the day was pretty average the cruise and the boat were beautiful.

We have been in Tassie for 2 weeks and so far the weather has been almost 50/50 nice days to wet days although the last 3 have been ordinary (that’s how I found time to blog).
We are leaving Strahan tomorrow and heading south east with some trepidation as everyone tells us that the roads are very, very hilly and winding but there is no choice as there is only one way out of here. Will let you know what it was like in the next edition.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lead up to Tassie.

Well we had a very eventful time leading up to getting on the Spirit of Tasmania.
We left the caravan at the Warrandyte caravan park while we stayed with Mike and barb’s place whilst in Melbourne. When we dropped off the van we noted that the park was quite tight for caravan space, being mainly cabins. There was also a creek running just behind our van but it was about 4-5 metres below where the van was parked so it didn’t appear to be a problem. However, what we didn’t count on was that Melbourne was going to get a year’s  rainfall on Friday night. We were at the races at Mooney Valley on Friday night and when they cancelled the races with 2 races to go the alarm bells began to ring. Didn’t get much sleep that night, listening to the rain continue to fall and was very keen to get to the park to get the van.
Mike and I went at around 9.30am on Saturday morning and I was dismayed to see that at the entrance to the park the creek had gone over it’s bank and had flooded the entrance to the park, where someone had obviously driven through the boom gate which was snapped off. After driving through about 2 feet of water through the park we found that the van was still on dry ground although there was water rushing through the park from the other side towards the creek which was almost to the top of the bank behind the van. After the fastest ever hook up, didn’t have time to connect the power or Hayman Reese we started to wind between the cabins towards the exit only to be confronted with wall to wall water of indeterminable depth. The manager of the park tried to convince us to leave the van but that was never going to happen so we got him to walk in front of us through the water as a guide to the depth, which was now over knee deep. Eventually we were able to get out just in the nick of time. I reckon that 30 minutes later we may have lost the van and wouldn’t that have put a dampener (no pun intended) on our trip.
After parking on the verge in front of Mike & Barb’s place on Saturday night we got to Port Melbourne to board the Spirit of Tasmania without ant drama and the whole loading procedure was very professionally handled although Bon was a bit anxious about leaving the girls in the van for 10 hours. As it happened the crossing was pretty rough but the girls showed no effects that it distressed them as there wasn’t even a wee in the van when we arrived in Devonport.
Next. The apple isle.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Catch Up Blog

Blog restart
Well I have been very slack since my last Blog so here is a catch up.
Since I last blogged we spent a very chilly Xmas at Albany WA and then fought 30 kph head winds across the Nullarbor back to Adelaide.
We flew up to the Gold Coast to surprise Linc on his 40th birthday which was great to be able to do and then spent 3 weeks catching up with family and friends eating and drinking way to much and now Bonnie is making me pay for the indulgence.
Then off to Melbourne with a stopover in Ballarat with Sandy & Max who we met in Karumba last year. It was great to catch up with them again.
Next blog will be from Tasmania. See you all then